Brazil Research

In the truth, the main decision of the Metalic was not to opt to the production exposes of steel instead of aluminum cans, rank that this can easily be imitated. What it became the Metalic most competitive was strategy for it employee, which will be seen in the next item. Before, however, it is necessary to weave some consideraes on the occured modifications in the market of metallic packings for drinks, since the time of the research of the BNDES (1998), ato year of 2002. 1,3 the competitiveness between steel packings and aluminum in Brazil for drinks after the year of 1998. Before everything, it agrees to detach that the BNDES did not carry through new research to bring up to date the statisticians of the sector of metallic packings since 1998. The data more recent than exist concerning the cited sector meet in ' ' Metalurgia&#039 magazine; ' , whose heading of the article is ' ' Embalagem' ' , from which the main information for the conclusion of this inquiry will be extracted.

In first place, the article calls attention for the fact of that the steel started to after recoup the lost market one decade of constant losses for other materials of packing, as aluminum and the PET, through an aggressive one OPENS. It remembers, still, that the steel and the glass had disputed until the decade of 80, the leadership of the market of packings and today alone it controls five percent of this market (restricted to the North and Northeast of the Country), had to the sprouting of new substitutes as aluminum and the PET (polyethylene tereftalato). It says, also, that the technological improvements gotten by the CSN had provided new reductions of 20% in the thickness of the leaf of flandres, reintroducing, in the market, light, practical and more competitive packings in relation to aluminum.