National Congress

Already it was proven scientifically that the proteins manipulated in laboratories are not harmful to our organism (unless the individual presents some type of allergy to substances used for the attainment of G.M). We know that man has much time comes using the natural resources renewed and you did not renew indiscriminately. Daqui to some years with the disordered geometric growth of the population and the disequilibrium of the ecosystems as we will go to supply our alimentary necessities? Now, with the regulation of the use of the cell-trunk in research with carrying people of diverse anomalies Brazil one more time obtains to give plus a step and tries not to be so behind some countries of the first world. The first victory was in the National Congress, after that it came the support of public people and entities interested parties, solidary to a so delicate and important question.

Exactly knowing that the results alone will be gotten in the long run and that the resources offered for these research still are few we have that to more look each time keeping informed in them stops in the future who knows to charge or to question? So that the people who work seriously with the Biotechnology are respected and have its recognized work is essential that our diversified genmicas libraries are each time more and that the professionals are if specializing. Who knows daqui to some years instead of taking vaccines injectable will be able to ingest its content inside of determined fruit, cereal or vegetable? So that all the procedures inside of the Biotechnology are accepted for the society are necessary a bigger severity on the part of the competent agencies, as the creation of more commissions of Ethics, investments in Biossegurana and dynamic that make possible greater spreading of methodologies and carried through results of the works and research. Also it is necessary greater transparency indicating of clearer form to the population on the processes of technological manipulation in the labels of foods to be commercialized. The reformularization of the Laws for the collect of taxes and the regulation of the commercialization of these products and foods is another initiative that needs to be seen with bigger severity for the competent agencies. Aristotle (384-322 C) affirmed that ‘ ‘ Sciences have bitter roots, but the fruits are doces’ ‘. Andra Karla Sobreira Almeida? Biologist, postgraduate in Applied Microbiology, Prof of the state net of FOOT education.