South America IES

The teacher, the library, the technological means of information and communication, are resources that impact significantly on the learning process of the student who must become the agent more active in the process of learning (3). You must also make viable the perennial philosophy for sustainability practice and achieve the connection between society, overcoming the vices that human activity has led to him. The linking of Hei claimed that groups of organizations and individuals are part of decisions impacting the educational work, therefore the cooperation of different sectors social and productive becomes important to foster technological development and use or transfer of research for use of all information. The projects to be agreed to perform, should create a link between the IES and the productive and social sector to fulfill its mission. The administrative process within the IES structured under a holistic vision, must contain devices against bureaucratization. The appropriate action that allows IES to offer its educational services through a real commitment, must become a code of ethics that will lead the work of all actors in the process.

Conduct of service that meets the needs of students throughout their professional training, endeavour to generate environments of freedom and integrity among the community, shielding it from actions which adversely affects its performance. The ies of public nature, the management for the allocation of resources applicable to your operation, is traditionally conceived as a go to ask the authorities of the three levels of Government. In some time the country was much more solvent than some others from America Central and South America and even Europe, but did not want to resolve the inequitable distribution of the tax burden, so really people having more, pay more. It has not been possible to reverse the habit that spending will continue routing toward programs of combat poverty, even when these do not impact really on the needs of the 45 million people in the country who already accuse that socio-economic level.