
This site is better to be avoided – a waste of time. A company that is interested in buying wholesale glass, hardly notice the inconspicuous announcement "glass wholesale. Company's logotype or (preferably "and") the proposed picture windows look more interested in the potential client. Restriction on the size of the image is done solely for the user – the images of small size are not reloads the page, making it fast loading and easy to use. For example, the international multi-trading platform, image size is limited as well, but there is a possibility to get several images. One picture – better than any one, two – are better than one.

Opportunity to present a few pictures of the same product in different perspectives on one resource is not always so only increases the credibility and popularity trading platform among the users. How to use the opportunity provided? Some members of the Club try to provide B2B company logo and a photo submitted to the site of the goods, others – to place photographs of the goods from several angles (to make the images more vivid and three-dimensional). It is important at the first stage of acquaintance with a promotional offer to show that the wholesale buyers have a choice. Location Pictures on the trading floors and other portals. Add a product / service to the directory – then place your ad in a predetermined location. Do you have the opportunity to choose a category and subcategory for Products / Services: instruments, toys, clothing manufacturing and industrial equipment, furniture, household goods, packaging, paper and others. Electronic catalogs are comfortable that the ads represent a convenient list of determine the position and aspect ratio. These catalogs are easy to find and view business proposals.

B2B on-site for your convenience there are several other useful features. Firstly, all photos posted "List", namely: under the picture there's a button with the numbers of photos by clicking on a new figure on the previous one appears immediately following. This eliminates the cumbersome and randomly distributed images. Secondly, can increase each picture. But the most attractive location for the image are places in the top positions of the business area. Registered (which is no small matter, for free) the company's choice offers several top positions. Their number is strictly limited, because the service placement in tops fee, although compared with the cost of advertisement in print media, is insignificant. Top tier – the most visible place on the portal, as Each user will see the company logo or a photograph of the goods on every page. TOP Level 2 – the location on the start page of the portal. TOP 3 and 4, to attract more attention in select a category and subcategory. It is beneficial to allocate your competitors. The fee for visibility – normal market economy. This is a kind of visual merchandising.

Accept Credit Cards

Over the past few years, online payments for goods and services has become commonplace for millions of our countrymen. Already in 2008 the Russians, with the help of bank cards purchased on the Internet for goods and services worth more than 1.8 billion USD. Experts estimate that by 2012, turnover in acquiring Internet in Russia will amount to more than 6 billion USD. Acceptance of payment in the internet shop of international plastic cards such as Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, and others called Internet acquiring. To connect your site to the internet acquiring needed to apply for the card operator (processing company), for example PayOnline System, which is the intermediary between the Bank and the acquirer of the Internet shop and provides information and technological cooperation between the parties calculations. Requirements for the connection: Before the technical connection, make sure you are logged in, your account activated, you get access to your Merchant Account, and indicated the loopback address (CallBackUrl).

Merchant account or trading account – an account created specifically to accept credit or debit cards. Amounts accumulated in this account, are debited from the accounts of cardholders. Loopback address (CallBackUrl) – a page on your site, where the user will be redirected after a successful payment. Legally, the scheme of interaction with card operator: enter into direct contract for Internet-acquiring the bank – for which, the bank grants you a personal merchant account as a gift. Entering into a contract with the processing company for technical support for operations processing company does all the technical part of online and offline monitoring of transactions to prevent fraudulent transactions, provides a necessary service for you and your customers.

Open new bank account is not necessary, you can work with existing ones. The process of payment by the client product / service on credit card: 1. You place on the site html form that sends the buyer on the payment form. Billing information such as: card number, verification code, card expiry date and so on must be entered by the user only form of payment, since the law prohibited to request this information from Users on an electronic trading platform, e-mail and any other means. 2. The buyer creates an order on the Internet site of the store and chooses to pay via credit card. 3. Online shop redirects the buyer to a secure form of payment 4. In the form of payment the buyer specifies information about their credit card. Card operator verifies the status and parameters of online stores in the system, as well as checks the query to compliance with statutory requirements and system limitations, and transmits the generated request to authorize a partner bank (acquiring banks), which carries an authorization for payment. 5. Upon receiving a request to authorize the transaction, the bank partner sends it to the relevant payment system (Visa, MasterCard, etc.) 6. Payment system determines the issuing bank, which was released on bank card buyer, then sends an authorization request to the bank processing center. 7. After the issuing bank will confirm the authorization of payment the buyer, the operator sends a card online store a positive authorization result, and he in turn will notify the buyer about the successful payment.

England Companies

The article describes the experience of European companies to implement the system BSC Balanced Scorecard (Balanced Scorecard) in Russia is becoming increasingly popular. This is evidenced by numerous publications in the media and new books on the subject, sold out at conferences and seminars on the implementation of BSC, customer growth in the number of consulting companies that implement this technique. Recently in our country have to go and see and foreign "Missionaries" who have extensive experience in implementing the balanced scorecard in Western firms. One of them – Mathias Mengels, managing director of Germany's Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, CEE GmbH – said in an interview with our magazine, which companies to implement BSC and just need some of it is usually there. – Today, The Balanced Scorecard has become increasingly popular. And what is the attitude of European companies? – Among European companies Balanced Score-card (BSC) does not use the less popular, than in Russia.

We have opened offices in Germany, Iceland, Sweden, England and Spain. In an average year, our company sells about 50-80 projects to implement the system Balanced Scorecard for the pharmaceutical, energy, oil and gas industries and the automotive industry. This is mainly large companies and holdings with a complex management structure. Recently, BSC became active participation in government agencies and nonprofit organizations. Using the balanced scorecard technology for non-commercial companies due to their desire to maximize use of limited resources. There is a widespread misconception that the company's strategy is to be expressed in financial terms. The most common strategic goals – increasing the cost of company or profit growth. But we must understand that the strategy is primarily based on the vision of management and owners of the company's mission. Therefore, if the main strategic objective of the organization, including nonprofit or governmental, is formulated as a definite position in the market or in society, the introduction of its balanced scorecard is justified.

Some Aspects Of Sites

Availability and popularity of the Internet have created a huge and still unresolved problem of protecting the sites. Many sites are a concentrated expression of human thought – the result of intellectual activity – in different areas. In other words, intellectual property rights. Primarily, this area of programming, design, marketing, logic, and innovation in their respective fields activities. Almost all this value is very weakly protected, including the fault of the authors and owners of sites. Violations of the site carried out by various methods. Basically, the following: Hacker attacks, viruses, and malware, hacking techniques sayta.Spetsialnye Internet marketinga.Krazha software, text and graphic content.

To protect against hackers, viruses, hacking site has special programs and receptions IT-technologies. These issues are devoted entire books and they are engaged in professional institutions. The special techniques of internet marketing techniques are leading to a lowering of the rating the site and its popularity. This is so called black PR – spreading false information and advertising, fake ads, creating clones of the site, the black reference. Combating this is a very difficult and involves special tactics and strategy.

Common sense struggle is to improve the ranking and popularity of the site. The winner is the one with more financial means, ie money and patience. To resist the theft of content can be programmatically and legally with the rules copyright. Protection against theft website content software is mainly to prevent the possibility of isolating and copying the content site. However, experienced users and programmers to circumvent these obstacles is not easy.