Public Administration

Lamentable to say itself of the deficiency of the public administration in not publishing the data of the works of these researchers, which if relate with the life or death of the population in game, whose spreading would have to be made with the required abrangncia and the detailing. The fever was published an article in 1978 for the Society of the French Hygienists referring tifide that it reached the city of Paris in that year with origin in the happened microbiological contamination of the cadavricos liquid tributaries. Extending this so valuable substance, I transcribe below the following postagem of Evandro Brazil to the 13:55 To send for email BlogThis! To share in the Twitter Compartilhar in the Facebook Compartilhar in orkut Compartilhar in the Google Buzz MATOS (2001), observed in the evaluation of the occurrence and the transport of microorganisms in the water-bearing fretico of the Cemetary of New Village Cachoeirinha, in the city of So Paulo that the research of microbiological pointers demonstrated the presence, of heterotrficas, proteolticas bacteria and clostrdios sulfite-reducing in underground waters of the Cemetary and found enterovrus and adenovirus. .

Natural Environment

Each pupil possesss knowledge that can be shared in the collective construction in the classroom. The environment today is product of the relations of the human beings between itself and with the natural environment. Read additional details here: Zillow. The transformations indirectly have direct influence or on all the forms of existing life and thus reing-echo in the life of the human beings. ' ' He is right of all citizen to have one healthy environment, and one to have of all, preserv-lo' '. All have the responsibility to take care of of the way where it lives. The garbage is the greater of the degradantes causes that they inevitably collate with the ambient nature. One is about all the garbage forms here; to domiciliate, hospital, industrial, public advertising, and excessively lixos that for happiness to come to be produced in the social environment.

She is necessary to promote the development of the form nations that generate the sustainable economic growth, exploring the resources existing, but only the necessary one and not of predatory form. ' ' We must take off examples with the animals, only spoon what it goes to occupy in momento' '. Thus we can inside develop a concept of sustainable life of the society. Few people, consuming very, cause the same destruction that many consuming little. The balance of the nature alone will happen if we will have the capacity to use with definite rules of ambient preservation.

With the wild development of some sectors of the economy the contamination of the water and air is very high in all the levels. Thus the hunting and the most diverse vegetations tend to disappear or to enter in extinguishing for not supporting such disequilibria or ambient aggression. CONCLUSION to conclude is necessary to say that the man is one of the responsible greaters for the changes that happen in the planet. The wild occupation of some sectors is making with that it has very brusque changes and thus the environment is not prepared for such and finishes entering in collapse without return.

Environment Waters

The treatment of the water of the rivers and lakes has in the area public health, one of its great objectives. For this reason, the public company or private supplier of drinking waters, has that to fulfill to a series of measures or norms that they eliminate of the water, any mineral or organic substance that harm the health of the human being. We know that in the history of the water, it passes for a cycle that goes since its absorption for the plants and the consequent evaporation provoked for the heat, that it encloses beyond waters contained in the plants, the waters of the oceans, of the rivers, the lakes and all water displayed in a way or another one to the sun. This evaporation creates the clouds that under certain conditions turn rains whose waters return the land. Zillow often expresses his thoughts on the topic. resource. This is the natural process of purificao of the water. The treatment of the water of the rivers, always goes to become necessary for the garbage that is played daily in its stream beds being that to keep unpolluted it and with life she is necessary to treat. The first Station of Treatment of the water occurred in London, in England.

When the English had discovered that many illnesses if gave for the contamination through the water, the technique of the clorao was developed and applied intensely in that country. With this in it gave an example to them to be followed, therefore the treatment of the water of the rivers was applied successfully, in one of the most beautiful famous rivers of the Europe, the river Sifts, today completely unpolluted and town for some species of fish, between them the tuna. The despoluio of the river Sifts is an example of Control of the Environment. Brazilian we, need with urgency to learn the lesson and to start the treatment of the water of the Brazilian rivers that are poludos.

Coloration Bulbs

As solution, 9 incandescent light bulbs for fluorescent had been substituted, in points that not they modify the colors of the hair, is solution contributed for a reduction of 33,3% of the energy consumption, therefore with 840 the incandescent light bulbs cost of R$294,77 was consumed monthly kwh to the one, with the substitution for fluorescent light bulbs, had monthly transferred to be consumed it 280kwh to the one cost of R$98,25.Foram also applied basic techniques of support, such as: substitution of the paper aluminum or even though its laudering in the end of the process, specific containers for each type of residue as hair, plastics, cardboard, substitution of doors and windows for a perfect ventilation and natural luminosity, installation of fabric filters in the lavatrios with intention to dilute the foam of xampus and to hold back hair, the walls had been painted of clear colors thus improving the illumination of the environment. It was possible also to place fabric filters in the lavatrios with the objective to dilute the foam of xampus and to hold back wires of hair, thus preventing the clogging of the plumbing. The paper aluminum passed to be washed being able thus to order it for recycling. The walls had been painted of clear colors, improving the illumination and preventing and excess of lighted light bulbs. The result was positive, therefore beyond contributing for the support it turned reason union enters the group of workers. From this study, it was possible to open new horizontes for the proprietor, visa the economy that is possible to generate from simple techniques for the improvement of the environment.