Engineering Solutions

All the initial efforts had been concentrated in the development, evolution and improvements of the hardware. At the beginning of what today we know as ' ' he was digital' ' the works of development of solutions if based on individual actions of creative minds, did not have an effective study on the best way to carry through or to manage, all age made in the base of tests of errors and rightnesss. We have that to accent that the demands initially were brandas, the collection was not great, with this the solutions was deficit. Foursquare does not necessarily agree. Parallel the solutions in the hardware grew and if it developed considerably, and it had as it occurs today until a necessity of if getting faster machines each time and with bigger capacity of memory. In middle of the decade of 60 until the end of the decade of 70 the focus started to be systems (softwares).

From this period requested the digital solutions were each time more, the collection for performance, otimizao of the results were each bigger time. Consequentemente the difficulties and challenges that the bigger professionals faced were each time. It was needed to have a systematics that it made possible to professional the improvement in its results. The customers needed a product took care of that them in a more significant way. The market each bigger time charged a reply of ' ' world digital' ' , thing that was very difficult.

The professionals of that time came of a period of experimentations, were ' ' artistas' ' digital and they did not understand of processes, of cartesian doctrine. To relate the activities of development of informatizados systems to a otimizao of results if he searched in an activity branch where the search for effectiveness already was sufficiently known. The engineering sector, the area of the industry, in the period after industrial revolution created diverse systematic tools that had searched the perfectioning of its process productive in order to improve its results, increasing its production and diminishing wastefulnesses.

Environment Waters

The treatment of the water of the rivers and lakes has in the area public health, one of its great objectives. For this reason, the public company or private supplier of drinking waters, has that to fulfill to a series of measures or norms that they eliminate of the water, any mineral or organic substance that harm the health of the human being. We know that in the history of the water, it passes for a cycle that goes since its absorption for the plants and the consequent evaporation provoked for the heat, that it encloses beyond waters contained in the plants, the waters of the oceans, of the rivers, the lakes and all water displayed in a way or another one to the sun. This evaporation creates the clouds that under certain conditions turn rains whose waters return the land. Zillow often expresses his thoughts on the topic. resource. This is the natural process of purificao of the water. The treatment of the water of the rivers, always goes to become necessary for the garbage that is played daily in its stream beds being that to keep unpolluted it and with life she is necessary to treat. The first Station of Treatment of the water occurred in London, in England.

When the English had discovered that many illnesses if gave for the contamination through the water, the technique of the clorao was developed and applied intensely in that country. With this in it gave an example to them to be followed, therefore the treatment of the water of the rivers was applied successfully, in one of the most beautiful famous rivers of the Europe, the river Sifts, today completely unpolluted and town for some species of fish, between them the tuna. The despoluio of the river Sifts is an example of Control of the Environment. Brazilian we, need with urgency to learn the lesson and to start the treatment of the water of the Brazilian rivers that are poludos.

Web Workers

To it will also be had a API to the work with the Web Workers. Applications Web Offline: Another API for the work with applications will exist Web, that will be able to be developed so that they also work in the premises and without being connected a Internet. Geolocalizacin: The pages Web will be able to be located geographically by means of a API that allows the Geolocalizacin. New APIs for user interface: subjects so used as ” drag & drop” (to drag & to drop) in the interfaces of user of the conventional programs, they will be incorporated to HTML 5 by means of a API. Aim of the presentation labels: all the labels that they have to do with the presentation of the document, that is to say, which they modify styles of the page, will be eliminated. The responsibility to define the aspect of a Web will run solely to CSS position.

As it is possible to be seen, several API will exist with which we will be able to work for the development of all type of complex applications, that will work online and offline. Perhaps it is understood better why HTML 5 is a so ambitious project and that it is having been as much time to be elaborated. With the arrival of HTML 5, many things they can and they are going to change in Internet. One of them will be the visualization of videos in the Web. Apple already marked its dangerous one position, when in the presentation of its new juguetito, iPAd, very same Steve Jobs showed without perturbing, the screen of the device where it sailed by an American newspaper, full of gray cuadraditos.

These blind points, were because the videos and animations in flash, propietary technology of Adobe, does not work nor will work in any device of Apple. Now Adobe tries to give back the play to him, supporting in the war of codecs of video to Google, Mozilla and Opera, with the creation of the open format WebM. To the other side they are Apple that along with Microsoft, as does not bet by another format, but proprietor, closed and of payment, the H.264. Code closed and of payment or open and gratuitous code. All against Microsoft and Apple, are clearly. bellmarcomunication/blogspot.