Terminator Companies

One of the most recent is the product of sponsored research by the European Union called Transcontainer, that claim will not be to produce sterility in permanently but only to contain GM contamination, since the seed fertility can be restitutida later by the companies that sell it. But Transcontainer or Terminator, both death and contamination and any of its versions point background to the same thing: that the oligopoly of U.S. and European companies can continue spreading their seeds manipulated in the fields, with guarantees of maintaining its monopoly, and that all farmers and peasants will have to go to buy seeds or pay the companies so that you replace them fertility. We used as guinea pigs contrary to what asserts the biotechnology industry that do not exist evidence of GMOs are bad for health, accumulate evidence showing otherwise. As detailed a recent compilation of the coordination of the network for a Latin America free of transgenics, different types of transgenic tested in mice of Laboratory, produce from allergies to immunological more serious reactions, such as malfunction or atrophy of internal organs, increased levels of white blood cells, hemorrhages, genetic and biochemical changes that make them more susceptible to diseases in plants and animals. A Russian study conducted by Dr.

Irina Ermakova of the Russian Academy of Sciences, feeding groups of rats pregnant with (some in the conventional way and other transgenic form) soy flour showed that more than half of the offspring of mothers who ate transgenic died quickly and survivors weighed considerably less. The list is already quite extensive, but if more evidence of damage which can result in the consumption of genetically modified are not known is because neither the industry nor Governments are searching for them and try to hide the few independent studies that manage to come to light. Moreover, the intensive use of pesticides to the crops resistant to these, as in Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil, produces damage serious – and even deaths, as the child Silvino Talavera in Paraguay-a who are exposed in the fields, and your neighbors and surrounding areas through the area, water and soil contamination.

National Congress

Already it was proven scientifically that the proteins manipulated in laboratories are not harmful to our organism (unless the individual presents some type of allergy to substances used for the attainment of G.M). We know that man has much time comes using the natural resources renewed and you did not renew indiscriminately. Daqui to some years with the disordered geometric growth of the population and the disequilibrium of the ecosystems as we will go to supply our alimentary necessities? Now, with the regulation of the use of the cell-trunk in research with carrying people of diverse anomalies Brazil one more time obtains to give plus a step and tries not to be so behind some countries of the first world. The first victory was in the National Congress, after that it came the support of public people and entities interested parties, solidary to a so delicate and important question.

Exactly knowing that the results alone will be gotten in the long run and that the resources offered for these research still are few we have that to more look each time keeping informed in them stops in the future who knows to charge or to question? So that the people who work seriously with the Biotechnology are respected and have its recognized work is essential that our diversified genmicas libraries are each time more and that the professionals are if specializing. Who knows daqui to some years instead of taking vaccines injectable will be able to ingest its content inside of determined fruit, cereal or vegetable? So that all the procedures inside of the Biotechnology are accepted for the society are necessary a bigger severity on the part of the competent agencies, as the creation of more commissions of Ethics, investments in Biossegurana and dynamic that make possible greater spreading of methodologies and carried through results of the works and research. Also it is necessary greater transparency indicating of clearer form to the population on the processes of technological manipulation in the labels of foods to be commercialized. The reformularization of the Laws for the collect of taxes and the regulation of the commercialization of these products and foods is another initiative that needs to be seen with bigger severity for the competent agencies. Aristotle (384-322 C) affirmed that ‘ ‘ Sciences have bitter roots, but the fruits are doces’ ‘. Andra Karla Sobreira Almeida? Biologist, postgraduate in Applied Microbiology, Prof of the state net of FOOT education.