
Pour water into it bordered on, put on the car and make sure that fluid does not go to the border. If, however, comes, then this side and to lift. You can also use level. Someone as comfortable Consider the connection of an automatic washing machine to the Communications. Required connect to the backbone of cold water and provide a separate outlet for release of waste water.

The water inlet hose connected to water supply permanently, through the tap for 3 / 4 inches (for reference: 1 inch = 2.54 cm) water inlet hose is going to complete machine, I recommend to change for reinforced. Firstly, this hose is a reliable (if it is, of course, not the production of the East – Asian countries), in – the second one can choose the desired length. In our case we changed the 3 tube until came to the conclusion that you need to buy a good hose. To seal the threaded connections can be applied tape FCMs (from Teflon sealing material). Or, if you're a conservative – to apply the 'grandfather' method – oakum and oil paint (do not hide the fact that this method is reliable). Connecting to the sewer network. In the designs of most models of washing machines is limited to the maximum and minimum height of the exhaust pipe location. For connection to the sewerage system the apartment can be an additional siphon or the end of the exhaust pipe can be mounted on board the sink or bathtub.

We are first and did: put the hose in the bathroom, but a couple of once he jumped – Extra fee of twenty gallons of water from the floor – make sure you connect the drain hose to the sewer. Connecting to the mains. Firms manufacturers to provide the necessary degree of protection for electrical safety. For this purpose, household appliances provide neutral, ie connection zero protective conductor to the housing unit. Vanishing provides complete protection against electrical shock, so it need to perform where it is provided by the manufacturer. Protective earth conductor is always isolation of yellow-green color. The figure shows the wiring diagram for a washing machine outlet. To correct perform zeroing need to reach an additional protective earth conductor. It must be isolated, and its cross section should be like a phase wire. protective earth wire to the neutral bus switchboard. Protective earth conductor along the phase conductors to the installation of washing machine. Strictly prohibited to connect protective earth wire to the open paved gas pipeline networks, as well as systems for water supply, sewerage and heating systems. During the repair or replacement of electrical wiring should be taken into account the need to advance laying the third wire for this purpose there special wire with three strands. For the safe operation of the washing machine electric system should be designed for the current is not less than 15 A. Well, the car finally connected! Before the first wash to get rid of the car on idle (without washing).

Educational Researcher

Some had seemed to be something bothered by not operacionalizarem in way more concrete the tasks that could carry through in the future with its pupils. One is about a very common concern, that they bring for discipline them to all in this phase of its formation and relation which would be premature to give the type of answers that they desire. The educative use of a powerful way as the Internet has of being equated in function of the concrete pupils, the real conditions of work and the pedagogical project of the school and the group to discipline where the professor if inserts. Moreover, the future professors had developed new perspectives on the use of TICs in the mathematical education and some appreciation for active methodologies of work to promote the learning. Both are important aspects of the necessary professional knowledge for the education of the mathematics. The TICs only tools auxiliary of the work are not.

It is a basic technological element that of the form to the social environment, including education of the mathematics. As such, they influence the evolution of the knowledge and the professional identity of the mathematics professor. The future professors need to develop confidence in the use of these technologies and a critical attitude in relation they. They need to be capable to integrate them in the purposes and the objectives of the education of the mathematics.

Manifesto Of Alexandria

Libraries and information services contribute to the proper implementation of an inclusive information society. They are trained for intellectual freedom giving access to information, ideas and works of imagination in any medium and across boundaries. They help to preserve democratic values and universal civil rights impartially and to oppose any form of censorship. The exclusive function of libraries and information services consists in responding to the issues and needs of the people. This serves as a complement to the general transmission of knowledge by means of communication, for example, and makes the libraries and information services are vital to an information society open and democratic. Libraries are essential for a well informed citizenry and a transparent Government, as well as for the implementation of e-Government. They also create capacity among citizens with the promotion of information literacy and giving support and training in the use effective information resources, including information and communication technologies. This is especially critical for the promotion of the development agenda, because human resources are fundamental to economic progress. Table%29’>Naveen Selvadurai.

In this way libraries contribute significantly to addressing the digital divide and the resulting inequalities of information. They help to realize the development goals for the Millennium, including the reduction of poverty. The libraries will do many more things with modest investments. The value of the benefits is at least between 4-6 times the investment. Pursuing the goal of access to information for all, IFLA supports balance and fair play in the reproduction rights. IFLA also is implicated vitally in the promotion of multilingual content, cultural diversity and the special needs of minorities and indigenous peoples. IFLA, libraries and information services share the common vision of a society of the Infortmacion for all adopted by the World Summit on the information society in Geneva in December 2003. That vision promotes an inclusive society based on the fundamental right of human beings both to access to information as to its expression without restriction, and that each one is able to create, access, use and share information and knowledge.

IFLA urges national, regional and local governments and international agencies to: invest in libraries and information services as vital elements within their strategies, policies and budgets for the information society; Improve and extend networks already existing library for the maximum benefit of its citizens and communities; Promote open access to information and tackle the problem of structural barriers and other access; and recognise the importance of information literacy and vigorously support strategies to create a competent and literate population that can advance and benefit from the society of the Global information. Source: compiled by. Javier Mejia T. original author and source of the article

Two Days In Istanbul

Was going to write about something else, the more distant past, but the continuation of Turkish subjects were asked to write about Istanbul. Was true I was there only once and not long, but talk about that time to see. Tickets to Istanbul were purchased from Aeroflot in late January during the May holidays. Preparing a birthday gift, so when choosing a country and time, guided by the fact that no one will need to take time off and do a visa. And cost tickets are not very expensive compared with other cities, that is not so pitiful it was to spend the money on a short two-day trip. Flew on April 30 on Friday after work. At that time, decided to go to Airport by train, so as not to meet with gardeners. Flying in 23.15, to fly 3 hours, arrived in Istanbul in the morning local.

Taxi somewhere for 18-20 euros brought us up to Taksim Square, which was to settle our hotel. At 2 am in Istanbul were tube! And walking down the street crowds. I understand that on Friday, but that is so. As a result, the taxi driver dropped us off in the area and showed which way to go to the hotel because all stood up and pass it on impossible. The reason for all this ugliness was simple. In Turkey, as well as in Russia celebrate May 1 demonstrations and folk festivals, and since the night was something obstructed. A Taksim Square – is the main place in town for such events.

GPS Monitoring

The use of satellite monitoring system in companies with own fleet has obvious superiority. In this age of progress and technology, new scientific developments rapidly pouring into our lives. Among They recently very common nanotechnology and all satellite control systems. Thanks sputnikovmu monitoring is possible through gps tracking of the location of objects to contemplate special importance. Ships, aircraft and other military targets relate to this in the first place. gps monitoring recently has been applied to solve more routine tasks such as monitoring traffic. Gps tracking system produces satellite gps monitoring, turning control of vehicles (monitoring of transport) in the most convenient procedure. Fleet management, logistics optimization and many other necessary tasks solved through gps satellite tracking.

Babbitt should not go into details of those. processes and technical know-how to operate those systems. Satellite monitoring of transport distinguished by the fact that each car equipped with a tiny device and a dispatch center for observation. In this center via satellite to transmit information, which specifies the parameters of the machine. for example where there is a car, how much fuel and consumes others can not help but see that the gps vehicle tracking, and processes that are associated with them are extremely successful in most areas of industry. Soon the use of gps monitoring will not be limited only transport, and will be involved in other industry sectors.

How To Choose A Towel In An Age Of High Technology

How important to you in our time everyday hustle minutes of relaxation and recovery. And how much like after a bath to feel the unimaginable softness and comfort. So, you took a bath or a relaxing shower. And your "new" towel was ugly and bad, and there is nothing like the softness and comfort. Although he was only six months or a year.

But the towel – is something that touches your skin every day, and not very good, when instead of the expected comfort tenderness and lack of moisture, you get a How did select a towel, which gives a feeling of softness and comfort, are delighted with its appearance more than a year, and of course absorbs moisture and generally excites you desire to use this towel? The most important criterion for selection of towels can be considered as the material of which it is made. You might say that everything is clear, it's cotton. But let me we have been living in the 21 century, and in the world the textile industry there is a variety of materials and innovation, on which a person uneducated little he knows. The material is not accidental is the main criterion for choosing towels, since he defines that will feel your skin, and as the towel will absorb the water. Will it be similar to the touch of tenderness to the touch of a young mother to her baby, or bracing, and massage your body after an active day out? Or they will invigorate you, in the early morning after a sweet dream.


Vocs cannot serve the God and to the money, But who is serving here to the money! We are serving what the money can buy, we are torpifyed with science, the technology After all ours the society of the pleasure, the society of the consumption, the society that creates consuming markets, the society that create products for all the public, the society that makes the religious sincretismo so that it increases the consuming public Of our products Christian catholic or evangelico Christian (he aims at and he turns) On behalf of a bigger market is aconcelhavel That the church catholic forgets ours Appeared Mrs., Changes vocs catholics, because the evangelicos are little frexisiveis, Catholics does not forget Lutero. Ours the society that does not support ' ' they are doutrina' ' creates priests and shepherds and churches for all the sexual gostos and opines, Has pretty, muscular, cheiros priests and vain people Who the women adore and conteplam with much luxury. So that one monge of masmora, stinking, heremita and penitente. We are the society of the social inclusion Therefore we do not have opinions we accept everything and all, We accept the theory of the esteritipos that dignifies everything, We are the society of the conceitualizao that justifies everything Exactly that it is necessary to blunt to the life, Is the society of the thought lines That makes contorcionismos with words to defend our line of reasoning, Exactly that has that to appeal with the thought razo: God can everything. We are the society that a God molded to the capitalism, the consumption and our passions created, is necessary to please to everybody, Therefore we have rap of Christ, forr of Christ, carnival of Christ, Show of Christ, dancinha of Christ and many others cosinhas of Christ, there If God is an idea that we have of God, we create an adequate God To our time, a god without law, a God ours to make use, Leaves pra with this God that punishs and punishes, Needs a God who accepted everything that impatiza with everything.

A God who goes against our taste, also sexual, does not serve For this time of freedoms and pleasures We walk for the abyss, we are to the side of a social collapse and the great one catsfrofe world-wide, we are the society of the badnesses and of the pleasures that all go against all the biological laws and any form of law, we live in Sodoma and Gomorra and still we are with this sentimental idea of GOD This flabby idea as our behaviors, our moral and our laws I want the God of Moises, abrao, isaque and jac Quero a God terribly God, a God of will go and fury I do not want this God of without fexisiveis law or so flabby law and, This pleasant God to all form of perversion Certainly until you thought here that I am atheistic Not, I am not atheistic nor socialist, I am yes is imparcialista and I do not save nor me exactly. This God that I want is the only one that he exists, is enough to look at and to see what he comes close yourself: ' ' the called star absindo' ' my imparcialidade is swims close to it. Today I am the false prophet, tomorrow the false prophet I will be those that spoke of a salvation that did not come. I am the scholar of the mount verb. he does not say that I am desagadvel because I know Salomo Alcantra J.Nunez the imparcialismo

Technical Features

This is a very important feature of the binoculars. The larger the lens, the greater the aperture, it has, that is, the more light passes, and respectively, gives a vivid and detailed images. In addition, the larger the lens, the greater the angle of view. But the size of the device are directly dependent on the diameter of the lens (the larger it is, the greater the weight and size of binoculars). We compare characteristics of the models nikon Action 7×50 cf and nikon Action 16×50 cf. For the same diameter lens and different multiplicity obtained significant differences in the basic parameters of 'angle', 'view' and 'relative brightness': Technical Features: 7358x407x5010x5012x5016x50, times 787101216Diametr lens mm.354050505050Ugol of view (Real / degree). of visibility, hail. 65.165.644.865.066.065.6Pole of view at 1,000 m pupil, mm Relative brightness Exit Pupil, mm 11.911.917.611.89.712.3Minimalnoe Dist. focusing m5. interpupillary distance, mm56-7256-7256-7256-7256-7256-72Ves, Mr. 715760980970960990Dlina mm 123143189184179184Shirina mm 182182193193193193 type PorroPorroPorroPorroPorroPorro angle of view – directly to the angle of view with which you can see the image (Characterizes the dimensions of space, which can be seen in the stationary binoculars). In general, the greater the angle of view, the more evident.

The angle of view is also often marked on the binoculars' body (specified in degrees). Field of view – this parameter can be found in the technical specifications of binoculars. It is not indicated on the binoculars' body, but mention it because, in principle, it is the same, the angle of view, but it's easier – the width of the image visible object in meters, located on you at a distance of 1000 meters.