Avoid Potential Disaster Job Interview

There are definitely things you can do to avoid minor mishaps which could ultimately blow an interview. Familiarize yourself with these 7 potential interview disasters you can avoid clogging their way to a dream job. 1. Do not be late Being late is both rude and inconsiderate. Is this the first impression you want to leave with a potential employer? Road map and try it before the interview. Plan of hours to be at least half early for your appointment. This will provide a barrier to protect against wrong turns, traffic jams and all the other accidents that may occur you.

If you arrive early, you can use the time to calm their nerves. 2. DO NOT SAY the wrong name more than a nervous candidate has been known to accidentally call the interviewer the wrong name. To avoid this false Pau disconcerting to find out who is speaking before the interview. Memorize the name (s). If this information is not available before the meeting, then type the name of the person in your notebook as soon as you sit for the interview. If you slip-up, not to make a huge scandal. Apologize quickly (and sincerely) and move on.

3. Say NO not choose his words carefully. Prevent spontaneous responses, the first thing that comes to mind can not be the best answer. Remember, you can pause if you need some time to think. Feel free to say "that's a good question, let me take a moment to think about it." This shows that you think before you speak.

Transform Your Life to Something Meaningful

We must not miss this life as if we were sheep in a flock. We must do something important, devote ourselves to one or several purposes. Everyone should add to our life purpose program such as each day passes be excellent people to implement in our character virtues such as service to others, healthy lifestyle, be good spouses, good parents, good children, good workers . These improvement goals should be mandatory in any program of life of every human being. But not only have to pretend to be but to all means at our disposal for our effort and perseverance we can create some good habits. This is where our program comes in life. A program of life is a project consisting of objectives, activities and evaluation.

With regard to the objectives I have discussed above some examples. The activities necessary for the attainment of these objectives are more concrete. For example, for the purpose of being good parents could make a list daily activities to do: be more patient, to treat our children with the greatest love possible, play with them, tell a story …. The assessment has to be daily. Every day before going to bed mentally reviewing all the events that have occurred during the day and value the things we’ve done well and what could improve. In this is to have a program / project of human life. Then there are industrial projects, economic. Have a good life program is part of us all.

This entry is part of my thinking to be better. To start a big project, you need courage. To complete a major project, it takes perseverance. My name is Daniel Cana and give you more hints.

Voltaire Characters

When you receive information from the screen, we only fix it by pumping it, but not comprehending. The first conclusion: reading develops creative thinking, which responsible for the creative component of our development. 2. Is it possible to convey the feelings, the feeling in words? Think hard. You can describe a picture of nature, the facts of his adventures, but to describe the feelings that were in this case – is complicated. As You can describe why we love, believe in? To do this, there is a way – to convey feelings through the characters of the work. The author conveys his ideas, feelings and thoughts through characters. Events happening with the characters work, formed in mind reader.

If the work is "hooked" the reader, it just blends with the character and experiences with him the same feelings, which is undergoing a hero. So the second conclusion: reading forces us to relive the events together with characters, as in real life, a sensation in those situations in which the characters are the product. Sometimes it just turns the reader's life, and he changes his attitude to life (or corrects it.) 3. If the product of the protagonist behaves properly and it causes the love of others, we also strive to be like him. But that is not forced, in the form of instructions of correct behavior, but on the basis of our Observing a hero. Through the characters the reader learns the hidden traits of his character, trying on his – how he would have behaved in a similar situation.

The third conclusion: fiction shapes our worldview, and not force, but through our assessment of the characters' behavior. Comparing the different views on life, carefully weighing, thinking and making their informed choice. It's a way to know yourself. 4. "By reading the authors who write well, accustomed to speak well. " Voltaire. Reading broadens the mind, expands your vocabulary, improve the spoken language. With this hard to argue. Today's spoken language is simplified, and still have the opportunity to see and hear on the screen of representatives of the older generation of intellectuals. And compare it with any newfangled youth tv program. Trend is evident. This does not mean that we should strive to ornateness speech, but too simplified, too not worth it. Conclusion Four: Reading improves speaking. Reading allows you to push beyond the usual life. This process of understanding the world. It's a way to communicate with the author through the book. Opportunity to create for itself a special mood. Find answers to questions related to the search for meaning in life. Find like-minded person of the author. As we see, read not only for fun or to kill time. Reading – a process that influences our development as personality.