
According to Foot. Robert these devices are eminently practical and can give good services. The Telauxiofono device is last word, on telephony with wire, not only for the vigor and inteligibilidade with that it transmits the word, but also because, with it, if the effect of the telephone get all ' ' high-parlatore' ' of teatrofono. With this notable difference, that if treating to the teatrofonia, is enough one alone transmitter, for greater that is the number of the concertantes. Moreover, with ' ' Telauxiofono' ' , the problem of the limitless telephony will become a practical and economic reality. For its time this device revolutionized the transmission of instrumental sounds and voices human beings.

' ' Caleofono' ' , as the precedent, it also works with wire, and it is original because, instead of touching the bell to call, it makes to hear the articulated or instrumental sound. He is very appropriate for offices. ' ' Anematofono' ' , with which, without wire, one gets all the effect of the common telephony, however with much more clearness and security, visa to function still same with wind and bad weather. This device is admirable, for the entirely new laws that disclose. ' ' Teletiton? , species of phonetic telegraphy with which, without wire, two people can themselves be communicated, without they are heard by another one.

I believe that with this system it will be able to be transmitted by means of the electric energy the great distances and with much economy, without she is necessary to use of wire or conducting handle. This system invented for the Foot. Landell, does not use none of the devices or parts until today imagined, for other scientists, for this end. This new system invented for the Foot, Landell considers an accurate resolution to the problem of the telegraphy without wire. Edifono? finally it serves to dulcificar and to purify the vibrations parasites the fonografada voice, reproducing it the natural one.


According to Lakatos and Marconi (1995: 106), the methods can be subdivided in methods of boarding and methods of procedures. In this study, two boardings are used to define and to classify the methods, thus we have the procedure and boarding methods. 2.1.1. Method of boarding During the research work, the author follows the method: Hypothetical method – deductive? initially it was considered by Popper, it is supported in the problem solution and in the formularization of hypotheses, allowing to deduce things from the tested hypotheses, it wants to say, if it initiates for the perception of a gap in the knowledge concerning which it formulates hypotheses and, for the deductive process, it tests the occurrence of fenmenos enclosed for the hypothesis. Supporting in this method, it was possible that from the raised hypotheses, with the field work allowed to collate the reality with the gotten data thus allowing to give a conclusion that the impact of the prescription of garbage tax is not satisfactory. 2.1.2. Method of Procedure Of some methods of considered procedures, in the present work, the author only used the following procedures: ) Monographic: that according to Lakatos and Marconi (1996: 151) is, ' ' …

a specific or particular study on subject of enough representative value and that it obeys the rigorous methodology. It not only investigates definitive subject in depth, but in all its angles and aspects, depending on the ends the one that if destina' '. For ours in case that, the subject of the garbage prescription and its impact in the garbage retraction are a subject of enough value because afecta the all municipal one of urbe of the city of Nampula. b) Comparative degree: It consists of investigating things or facts and explaining them according to its similarities and its differences. Thus, through this procedure, it was efectuou comparison of the prescription colectada for the EDM-ADN with the canalized one in the CMCN and was evidenced that they are not absolutely equal values, a time that does not have reconciliation of this prescription between both institutions.

Laminated Flooring Construction

Laminate flooring is a very good option for those who prefer an environmentally safe and durable surface, courting that does not require much time and effort. Laminate floors are easy to wash, floors, laminate almost do not scratch, they do not change color over time. Laminate flooring can withstand virtually any load not spoil in case you will need to move even very heavy furniture. Laminate flooring is harmless, perfectly suitable for children's rooms. Laminate is not expensive. Laminate flooring is much cheaper than other floors and at the same quality, but somewhere and has advantages.

Thus, in contrast to the parquet and wood flooring, and less susceptible to scratches. On a wooden surface is easy to leave dents or chips, and laminate floors is quite difficult to spoil. But there is laminate flooring and cons. The main disadvantage of this fragility, and in particular harsh conditions and even less. However, if you care to handle the coating, then life will increase. If the laminate is worn and frayed, it should be replaced, repaired the floors of the laminate can not be so the idea of restoring to be postponed.

Also, laminate flooring is afraid of water, while getting rid of this shortcoming, the work of many technologists, who are already deploying in the production of moisture-resistant laminate. Already now commercially produced laminates with an antistatic coating to such a laminate is not dust sticks and other debris, which greatly facilitates maintenance. For laminate floors are not equipped with such protection available for sale special funds, which after processing the laminate floor as ceases to getting dirty and collect dust. The main valuable feature laminate – it's easy installation, laminate floor can put each. At the moment produced two types of laminate flooring – glue and the Click. One is stuck with glue, and the other is attached by means of interlocks in which the details of laminate flooring is securely latched in connection. The cost of the laminate to the adhesive compound and a lower laminate is less popular than the castle, it will be difficult to remove and reinstall it. Also lock system allows you to use gender as soon as the work is completed, whereas the bonded laminate need time to dry and be ready just a day later. Of course, right to settle in the room will not work anyway, due to the fact that it is necessary to establish more plinth for the floor. Only after it is installed laying laminate flooring can be considered complete. To purchase a quality laminate to pay attention to his class and manufacturer. The higher the class of products, the higher strength and durability. Regarding the manufacturer laminate flooring, it is currently considered the best German laminate, which proved to be strong and durable.