Alfred Edersheim

Its disciples, in face of new situation presented for Jesus turn abissal difference between Moiss and Jesus. They found that the life of married inside was impossible it standard that Jesus established. Rebecca Parents will undoubtedly add to your understanding. (Mt.19: 10,11). The paulina exception (6 point) ' ' However, to the married ones, I but Mr. commands, not, who the woman not if aside remark of the husband (if, however, it to come to break up itself, that if she marries, or that if reconciles with the husband); that the husband not if aside remark of the woman. To more I say, not Mr.: If some brother has woman skeptic, and this assents in liveing with it, does not leave the husband. Because the incredulous husband is santificado in the conviviality of the believing husband.

Of another luck your children would be impure; however, now, they are saints. But, if the unbeliever to want to separate, that if aside remark; in such cases the servitude is not subject to, nor the brother, nor the sister; It has called you to god to paz' ' (I Color 7,10-15). This ticket sample that the divorce process must be given for initiative of the skeptic, and never of the believer, rule in such a way for the woman as for the man. The divorce order, according to Jewish legislation, could not be made by the woman, except in some cases, as the doctor Alfred Edersheim. The legislaes Greek and Roman gave to rights the woman, and this we can see in Mc 10:11,12. Apstolo denies any the one of the parts right to ask for the divorce. This fits to the part skeptic, and exactly thus when the convivncia of the couple will be completely impossible. In v.15, apstolo says: ' ' But if the unbeliever to want to separate, that if aparte' '. In case of the mixing marriage, if the skeptic to want to break up itself, this verb ' ' to separate-se' ' it says respect to the divorce, and not mere to the separation from bed and board.