Cervical Osteochondrosis

According to statistics, osteochondrosis of the neck occurs in almost all people aged forty years. Development of the disease contribute to age, trauma during childhood, as well as prolonged sitting at a computer. In science and in the market there is a new revolutionary approach to the treatment of herniated discs of the cervical vertebrae – healing collar. Device and medical technology collar eliminates the main causes of spinal diseases. Thanks to this completely the new system decreases the pressure in the intervertebral space, and, consequently, a quick recovery and reduction of pain. Clinical trials of the device were performed in the leading medical institutions in Moscow. The basic principle of medical collar – extension of the cervical spine (an increase of intervertebral space).

Pumping collar air, "he grows>> straight up, lifting her head up by the chin and occipital region. In addition, not only changing the position of the vertebrae, but is gentle traction of the cervical spine. Quite a long time method of extending physiotherapists used to treat pain in the neck. There are plenty of medical evidence which confirms the advantages of the method of stretching. This method works through several mechanisms: passive stretching ligaments and muscles, increasing joint compounds, the improvement of nerve passages and decrease the probability of cervical hernia. Therapeutic collar is fairly simple to use.

First you need to take a comfortable position (sitting on a chair or lying down). Then, should put on medical collar around the neck, adjust it depending on the thickness of the neck and secure the zipper. Then you have to tighten the valve on the pear, and with the latest air to fill the collar desired user-friendly state. After the procedure to gradually open the valve on the pear tree, letting go of the collar of the air slowly. When will all the air should loosen fasteners and remove the collar from his neck. Following the Action is recommended to refrain from taking action and rest 20-30 minutes. The use of therapeutic compression collar prevents vertebral and carotid arteries, improves blood circulation, restores normal conductivity of neuromuscular impulses in the central and peripheral nervous system, reduces pressure on the intervertebral discs. It is also necessary to consider that the use of medical collar may be in addition to treatment cervical degenerative disc disease, and to any kind of treatment and the way of faster recovery. Always keep to yourself this is a unique device because it reduces the heavy load on his back and neck during long trips, traveling in a car, train, airplane, and sedentary types of work.