Educational Researcher

Some had seemed to be something bothered by not operacionalizarem in way more concrete the tasks that could carry through in the future with its pupils. One is about a very common concern, that they bring for discipline them to all in this phase of its formation and relation which would be premature to give the type of answers that they desire. The educative use of a powerful way as the Internet has of being equated in function of the concrete pupils, the real conditions of work and the pedagogical project of the school and the group to discipline where the professor if inserts. Moreover, the future professors had developed new perspectives on the use of TICs in the mathematical education and some appreciation for active methodologies of work to promote the learning. Both are important aspects of the necessary professional knowledge for the education of the mathematics. The TICs only tools auxiliary of the work are not.

It is a basic technological element that of the form to the social environment, including education of the mathematics. As such, they influence the evolution of the knowledge and the professional identity of the mathematics professor. The future professors need to develop confidence in the use of these technologies and a critical attitude in relation they. They need to be capable to integrate them in the purposes and the objectives of the education of the mathematics.