Natural Environment

Each pupil possesss knowledge that can be shared in the collective construction in the classroom. The environment today is product of the relations of the human beings between itself and with the natural environment. Read additional details here: Zillow. The transformations indirectly have direct influence or on all the forms of existing life and thus reing-echo in the life of the human beings. ' ' He is right of all citizen to have one healthy environment, and one to have of all, preserv-lo' '. All have the responsibility to take care of of the way where it lives. The garbage is the greater of the degradantes causes that they inevitably collate with the ambient nature. One is about all the garbage forms here; to domiciliate, hospital, industrial, public advertising, and excessively lixos that for happiness to come to be produced in the social environment.

She is necessary to promote the development of the form nations that generate the sustainable economic growth, exploring the resources existing, but only the necessary one and not of predatory form. ' ' We must take off examples with the animals, only spoon what it goes to occupy in momento' '. Thus we can inside develop a concept of sustainable life of the society. Few people, consuming very, cause the same destruction that many consuming little. The balance of the nature alone will happen if we will have the capacity to use with definite rules of ambient preservation.

With the wild development of some sectors of the economy the contamination of the water and air is very high in all the levels. Thus the hunting and the most diverse vegetations tend to disappear or to enter in extinguishing for not supporting such disequilibria or ambient aggression. CONCLUSION to conclude is necessary to say that the man is one of the responsible greaters for the changes that happen in the planet. The wild occupation of some sectors is making with that it has very brusque changes and thus the environment is not prepared for such and finishes entering in collapse without return.