
Philosophy the Philosophy remains as the redoubt of the resistance to the tyranny of the men, to the voluntary servitude, the superstition, the ignorance, the hypocrisy and the conformismo. Philosophical Saber it can find many objective applications under the prism of a practical and functional culture, resigning to ‘ ‘ status’ ‘ of a pure and abstract intelectualismo, therefore; liabilities! The Philosophy can be a valuable instrument of cultural progress for the society, promoting the ethical behavior, raising the dignity human being, the search of justice and the wakening of a new order politics, economic and social. Also, for the personal growth of each individual, stimulating the development of the inquiry capacity, analysis and reflection. The philosophers are confined in its intellectual hermetismo, other people’s to the events of its time, absorbed in its Metaphysical, distant meditations of the facts of the daily one She is necessary to engage itself in the politicosocial context and the emergenciais demands of the society in its particularitities and its innumerable unfoldings. To resign to the contemplation and to mobilize an pro-active behavior, occupying legitimate spaces of expression and representation, potencializando vocations, analyzing scenes of all order, making possible new forms of performance, emphasizing a conceptual opening, searching ample perspectives and new models of being, existing and to make. The social production of the existence and the trashing of the humanity, the production of subjectivity and the capitalsticas technologies of culpabilizao, serialisation and infantilizao. Subjective mutations and the creation of new existenciais territories. The ciberntico space while a collective equipment of subjetivao, intelligence, sensitivity and socialization.

The active and reactive forces and the will of power. The archaeology of knowing, the genealogy of the power. The educator-mediator and the object of the knowledge. The ends, the causes and the ways, and the modern citizen.