Bank Mergers

In this context there was the merger of Banco Itau with Unibanco, of which the current Multiplo Banco Itau SA, Unibanco (BVSP: ITUB3 NYSE: iTube). The major banks are Brazilian developing a fierce competition to expand and gain market share. This expansion strategy is not limited to the national level as it is part of an internationalization strategy endorsed by the government of Lula da Silva. For now, competition has been installed on the local banking market, where there is great growth potential and much to do. By the same author: rebecca family. In this sense, the sector entities are prepared for what will be the economic recovery in Brazil and the world. And within the national borders, one of the key segments in the banking business is related, of course, consumption.

I imagine that there will be vigorous debate at board meetings of the major Brazilian banks: a Tenemos to bet right now the economic recovery and out aggressively to provide , a The competition has a higher arrival in these segments of the population, but is neglecting others that we can exploit , a Ofrezcamos this line of credit as a strategy loyalty. Dialogues such as these will surely be heard in the discussions. And surely have discussed a lot in Bradesco (SAO: BBDC3 NYSE: BBD), before deciding the recent purchase of Banco ibi who was in the hands of the clothing retailer C & A, as reported last Friday, America Economia. The amount of the transaction was approximately R $ 1,400 million.