Video Recorders

There are also Audio-Video Recorders which vary according to Accessories and the technology and the area or areas to be covered. As well as electrified fences: this systems this made up of energized wires that cover walls and balconies, when the thief touches her runs receives a download exceeding the 10,000 volt electric enough to scare him and without causing death. Clear that are hazards that the budget of a security system must be customized, because prices vary according to required for the housing and safety qeu owner. For the proper performance of the equipment and security systems require maintenance since the majority of users see undermined their investment and forget this detail thinking that with the mere fact of having safety system no longer has to have a look at this investment, thing This outside reality and end up senirse disappointed that if not given proper maintenance they tend to fail precisely when occurs any raids. Additional precautions install a mirirlla in your door and external light if possible be automatic so that it works with any movement even when you’re not with enough brightness to see who plays. A related site: Jean Stapleton mentions similar findings. It must be well illuminate your outdoor area to match the facade and rear patio of his home and avoid trees and shrubs prevent s neighbouring us see the doors and Windows of his house that this reduces the possibility that they monitor when you are not. If observes a suspicious person hanging around your House or that of your neighbour report it to the police and if possible write down plates and color of the vehicle and observe the characteristics physical of the subject is amazing how this small method of vigilant neighbour reduces more crimes that any detective coorporacion, exists in the market also an alarm which is called vigilant neighbour in FERREPLUS.COM can request reports.

Do not let long letters or mesnajes that indicquen their absence in the domicile. Do not hire workers or employees without references. More than one third of robberies there is no enforced doors, which means that had not been locked. If arriving at his house you find the door forced, note the presence of a strange person or something irregular, not between, seek help, report it immediately to the police immediately and go to a safe place. Keep in good slip, invoice documents, certificates of authenticity and values proving the property of their coming mark things of value or with engravings, stamps, or initials, marks prevent thieves endeavor things stolen, in addition to better identify their stolen belongings. Atte. FERREPLUS.COM purchase and browse: Note: the prices are not updated.