Public Administration

Lamentable to say itself of the deficiency of the public administration in not publishing the data of the works of these researchers, which if relate with the life or death of the population in game, whose spreading would have to be made with the required abrangncia and the detailing. The fever was published an article in 1978 for the Society of the French Hygienists referring tifide that it reached the city of Paris in that year with origin in the happened microbiological contamination of the cadavricos liquid tributaries. Extending this so valuable substance, I transcribe below the following postagem of Evandro Brazil to the 13:55 To send for email BlogThis! To share in the Twitter Compartilhar in the Facebook Compartilhar in orkut Compartilhar in the Google Buzz MATOS (2001), observed in the evaluation of the occurrence and the transport of microorganisms in the water-bearing fretico of the Cemetary of New Village Cachoeirinha, in the city of So Paulo that the research of microbiological pointers demonstrated the presence, of heterotrficas, proteolticas bacteria and clostrdios sulfite-reducing in underground waters of the Cemetary and found enterovrus and adenovirus. .