
Osconsumidores that wants to assume an ethical position in its same purchases must aderirs when taking knowledge, opting, when it has availability, alternative pormarcas of free companies of denunciations. The case more notable of the ltimosanos was headed by the Greenpeace, that denounced the direct participation ouindireta of great multinationals of agronegcio in the destruction of the Amaznia.Embora the organization has not exortado one boycotting, an anonymous campaign foilanada recommending that all the products of the three norteamericanasdenunciadas corporations were prevented and substituted for alternatives of other companies. The true more selective muito ethical consumer of what if he thinks comumente, a time that selecionaprodutos not only ecologically friendly as he investigates and one turns aside from those denunciadoscomo come of companies ecocarrascas. 4. At Ron Wood you will find additional information. Other ethical questions: hvrios other points, less important but generally not ignored pelamaioria of the consumers, who must be considered to if promoting the consumoresponsvel. They can be summarized in questions as: – The company whom estenvolvida in land expropriation manufactures this of traditional and/or aboriginal communities? – She has comgrileiros commercial contracts? – He is being denounced porpatrocnio of the armament industry of some country? – Was entered into an alliance it regimes ditatoriaiscomo China and Mianmar? – Has offended religious traditions culturaise (question that an Indian could make when thinking about one companhiaque could, for example, be poluindo the river Ganges or demolindo temples to paraconstruir branch offices)? – Has used dirty tactics commercial depersuaso of children, as infiltration of agents in chats parainduo to the desire for certain toy? – It has induced the massasconsumidoras harmful the sociocomerciais behaviors, as to say indiretamente' ' it buys this and well-it will be occurred in the personal life! ' '? To summarize the ethical consumption in apenaspreferir products with stamps of ' ' ambiently amigvel' ' or ' ' produced commatria-cousin reciclada' ' or to prioritize companies with certified ISO14001 is reducionismo. The question goes very beyond the scope of the ecological certification, hugs some outrosvalores, as respect to the animal life, the labor laws and the cultural values, methods advertising executives and not-aggressiveness against the environment. To recognize all this extension daresponsabilidade of purchases and to divulge this great abrangncia are to extend ethical seusvalores and to surpass the limitations of ' ' ethics only ambientalista' ' , contributing for, much beyond a more healthful planet, that tambmseja the same more pacific and moralizado..