
Vocs cannot serve the God and to the money, But who is serving here to the money! We are serving what the money can buy, we are torpifyed with science, the technology After all ours the society of the pleasure, the society of the consumption, the society that creates consuming markets, the society that create products for all the public, the society that makes the religious sincretismo so that it increases the consuming public Of our products Christian catholic or evangelico Christian (he aims at and he turns) On behalf of a bigger market is aconcelhavel That the church catholic forgets ours Appeared Mrs., Changes vocs catholics, because the evangelicos are little frexisiveis, Catholics does not forget Lutero. Ours the society that does not support ' ' they are doutrina' ' creates priests and shepherds and churches for all the sexual gostos and opines, Has pretty, muscular, cheiros priests and vain people Who the women adore and conteplam with much luxury. So that one monge of masmora, stinking, heremita and penitente. We are the society of the social inclusion Therefore we do not have opinions we accept everything and all, We accept the theory of the esteritipos that dignifies everything, We are the society of the conceitualizao that justifies everything Exactly that it is necessary to blunt to the life, Is the society of the thought lines That makes contorcionismos with words to defend our line of reasoning, Exactly that has that to appeal with the thought razo: God can everything. We are the society that a God molded to the capitalism, the consumption and our passions created, is necessary to please to everybody, Therefore we have rap of Christ, forr of Christ, carnival of Christ, Show of Christ, dancinha of Christ and many others cosinhas of Christ, there If God is an idea that we have of God, we create an adequate God To our time, a god without law, a God ours to make use, Leaves pra with this God that punishs and punishes, Needs a God who accepted everything that impatiza with everything.

A God who goes against our taste, also sexual, does not serve For this time of freedoms and pleasures We walk for the abyss, we are to the side of a social collapse and the great one catsfrofe world-wide, we are the society of the badnesses and of the pleasures that all go against all the biological laws and any form of law, we live in Sodoma and Gomorra and still we are with this sentimental idea of GOD This flabby idea as our behaviors, our moral and our laws I want the God of Moises, abrao, isaque and jac Quero a God terribly God, a God of will go and fury I do not want this God of without fexisiveis law or so flabby law and, This pleasant God to all form of perversion Certainly until you thought here that I am atheistic Not, I am not atheistic nor socialist, I am yes is imparcialista and I do not save nor me exactly. This God that I want is the only one that he exists, is enough to look at and to see what he comes close yourself: ' ' the called star absindo' ' my imparcialidade is swims close to it. Today I am the false prophet, tomorrow the false prophet I will be those that spoke of a salvation that did not come. I am the scholar of the mount verb. he does not say that I am desagadvel because I know Salomo Alcantra J.Nunez the imparcialismo

Technical Features

This is a very important feature of the binoculars. The larger the lens, the greater the aperture, it has, that is, the more light passes, and respectively, gives a vivid and detailed images. In addition, the larger the lens, the greater the angle of view. But the size of the device are directly dependent on the diameter of the lens (the larger it is, the greater the weight and size of binoculars). We compare characteristics of the models nikon Action 7×50 cf and nikon Action 16×50 cf. For the same diameter lens and different multiplicity obtained significant differences in the basic parameters of 'angle', 'view' and 'relative brightness': Technical Features: 7358x407x5010x5012x5016x50, times 787101216Diametr lens mm.354050505050Ugol of view (Real / degree). of visibility, hail. 65.165.644.865.066.065.6Pole of view at 1,000 m pupil, mm Relative brightness Exit Pupil, mm 11.911.917.611.89.712.3Minimalnoe Dist. focusing m5. interpupillary distance, mm56-7256-7256-7256-7256-7256-72Ves, Mr. 715760980970960990Dlina mm 123143189184179184Shirina mm 182182193193193193 type PorroPorroPorroPorroPorroPorro angle of view – directly to the angle of view with which you can see the image (Characterizes the dimensions of space, which can be seen in the stationary binoculars). In general, the greater the angle of view, the more evident.

The angle of view is also often marked on the binoculars' body (specified in degrees). Field of view – this parameter can be found in the technical specifications of binoculars. It is not indicated on the binoculars' body, but mention it because, in principle, it is the same, the angle of view, but it's easier – the width of the image visible object in meters, located on you at a distance of 1000 meters.


Stoves fireplaces give much of their energy into the room through the hot air and radiation. The cold air passes through the double walls of the furnace hearth, heats up and goes into the room. These devices achieve a particularly high degree of efficiency. Degree of efficiency furnace chimney is determined by its efficiency, and indicates what percentage thermal energy is given to the premises. Degree of efficiency furnace chimney is about 70%, meanwhile, as in fireplaces with open fires majority (70%) of the heat just gets lost. Stoves fireplaces are also equipped with intakes fresh air that allows you to collect the fuel required for combustion air from the basement and other technical facilities. The device of the combustion chamber combustion chamber furnaces, fireplaces “Fireplace” is protected by fireclay plates or sheets of durable vermiculite.

Such protection allows the furnace fireplace made of steel, which makes them lighter than cast iron and brick kilns. Low weight allows the furnace quickly heat and from the first minute to give warmth to the room. In order to stove retains heat as long as possible, its veneer ceramic plates or soapstone. Also developed a system of long-burning, which allows you to slowly burn fuel, and thereby maintain the long process of evolution of heat. Stove, which is equipped with a long burning, at the closed door of the furnace is capable of maintaining high temperature in the furnace up to 10 hours Amenities Furnaces are equipped with metal or glass doors.

If you want to enjoy the live fire fireplace, are the most appropriate model furnaces fireplaces with doors Heat resistant glass. All furnaces firm Fireplace feature roomy ash drawer. Security When you install the furnace-fire should be observed to distances from combustible structures and materials. This distance can vary depending on the furnace model. Before installing the furnace be sure to read the user manual and observe safety requirements. Stoves fireplaces must be installed on the floor of noncombustible materials. Base for the furnace can be completely out of ceramic tile, metal or glass base. Fly zone must be at least 50 cm in front of the stove and at least 20 cm on the sides. Fireplace and chimney must be connected to a chimney only a furnace. Each furnace must have a chimney! Also, Russian construction norms prohibit connecting flue and vents! Installation of the furnace-fire in the finished house fireplace can be installed easily in the final house, which has a chimney. Because of the small weight stove does not require a concrete base and can be installed on wooden floors. In any case, if you want to install stove advise you to consult a specialist.

Belarusian Radio

Today's community without the media it is impossible to imagine. Really, every one of us now imagine your own reality with no opportunity to acquire the most up to date information from all spheres of reality, its Power and the human community in general. And the concept of media to any person not be added without exception, the possible means of obtaining information, as such, are especially significant for him. For example, quite literally some time ago the main modes of transmission of data remained publishes. This and a variety of journals, and diaries, and pamphlets. With the creation of the Belarusian Radio and Television News are still more open and, most importantly, a much more urgent.

Now, in order to acquire information about the event action, just look telly: the speed of acquisition of information from all countries is optimal. Such technologies provide the ability to regularly maintain audience interest in the activities that take place not just in their own country, but also in all other parts of the globe, which makes our community really integrated information system. However, the news – it's not even the most significant activity in the media. You can see that the most important – is an indicator that the media has in fact quite long enough to be able to powerful resource that is not only distributes information, and in addition is the translator and the cultural and sociological character. Theoretically, it says that the media are independent social and economic force, and yet in fact play a significant role and financial issues.

So, the news at the moment can play a significant service in the economy as a separate state, as well as and the global economic structure. This may include, above all, the news from the industry and services. News about new products and services are generally accompanied by virtually all existing types of event-driven broadcast media. No wonder they say that the advertising – the engine of progress. A huge number of different media sometimes makes think. And this applies to those who promotes manufactured goods line through various media, to the same extent and buyers. Because information relating to the translation of data – from periodicals and radio to resources, particularly in demand. Choose the appropriate media in a directory of sites to first learn about their audiences, circulations and a general orientation – hence make informed choices as to place promotional information, as well as for of their own unoccupied time.

Pyrotechnic Compositions

Pyrotechnic compositions equip the following types of funds for military purposes: 1) Lighting equipment (bombs, artillery shells, aerial flares, etc.) used to illuminate the area at night conditions, 2) fotoosvetitelnye means (fotobomby, fotopatrony) used in aerial night: and for other purposes, and 3) tracer means making visible the trajectory of bullets and shells (and other mobile objects) and thereby facilitate sighting lo quickly moving targets, and 4) the means of infrared radiation, used for tracking the flight of missiles, and as decoys, 5) nighttime signaling (cartridges, etc.) used for signaling, 6) daytime signaling (cartridges, etc.) used for the same purpose, but in the daytime, and 7) incendiary (bombs, shells,. and many bullets etc.) serving to destroy military enemy targets, 8) masking tools (smoke bombs, shells, etc.) that are used for smoke screens, 9) for different purposes and missile range, using solid fuel pyrotechnic, 10) training and simulation tools that are used as the maneuvers and exercises and in combat situations. They mimic the action of atomic bombs, explosive shells and bombs, as well as various events on the battlefield: gun shots, fires, etc. and this may disorient the enemy's surveillance service; 11) tseleukazatelnye tools (shells, bombs, etc.) indicating the location of enemy targets; 12) pyrotechnic gas generators are used for different goals. Pyrotechnic compositions are also used in various areas of the economy.

By the pyrotechnic compositions of military include the following: 1) Lighting 2) fotoosvetitelnye (fotosmesi), 3) Tracer 4) infrared radiation, and 5) incendiary; 6) night signal lights, 7) Color of smoke signal, 8) masking smoke 9) solid pyrotechnic fuel, 10) bezpazovye (for moderators); 11) gas-generating, 12) igniter contained in a small number stve all pyrotechnic devices; 13) Other: simulation, whistling, etc. Many compounds used in a variety of means, so For example, lighting is often used in formulations for fireworks pyrotechnics, smoke masking compounds can also be used in training and simulation tools, etc. Pyrotechnic compositions can also be classified the nature of the processes occurring three of their combustion. Flaming compositions 1. Beloplamennye. 2.

Tsvetnollamennye. 3. The compositions of the infrared radiation. Heat the 1. Thermite-incendiary. 2. Gasless (malogazovye). Smoke compounds 1. White and black smoke. 2. Colored smoke. Substances and mixtures, burning through an oxygen. Metals and metal alloys. 2. Phosphorus, its solutions and alloys. 3. Mixture of mineral oil. 4. Various substances and mixtures, illuminated in contact with water or air.

Internet Car

The most common approach is called kalkulyativnym. it so that the whole process involves the separation from the family budget amount, which is not particularly struck on the budget itself. The amount may be different, but the car is purchased at the same time to a minimum configuration. But it can be Dacia Logan, and maybe "naked Chevrolet Lacetti. In essence, this approach – an attempt to kill two birds with one stone. Need a minimum amount to enter the car of maximal class, but without the extras. It is noteworthy that this path is chosen automotive world, or people with a minimum level of income, since a couple of months, the driver realizes that he is not riding on the price list, and on his choice. The second approach – Technology.

Telling a buyer with an approximate range of candidates for purchase, and selects the vehicle to specifications. In this case, priorities often change, and appearance becomes secondary. Although the vast majority of future drivers, the first thing about interest rate, speed and other performance characteristics, bunch of Internet resources, forums and more. Looks like an arms race or a struggle for numbers – whatever you like. Man, "technologically" looking car, learns about the interval between to and its value, he compares the upholstery and is important for him glove compartment volume, is there a mesh in the trunk and could be refilled turbocharged engine 92nd gasoline. These buyers are less likely to change cars, as high quality of all other approaches to the selection.


Madrid did not count on railway station until the inauguration of Atocha in 1851 by the company Madrid Saragossa Alicante of railroads, although its original name was Station of Noon. Little it is in the present station of Atocha original elements of the station since years after its beginning great part of her was destroyed because of a fire. In 1888 she returned renewed with a design of Alberto Martin Elissage Palace in collaboration with Gustave Eiffel, that gave to the station a greater vault him realised in forged iron. In 1985 the station of Atocha receives a great reform with a view to the future that for of Atocha a different station. It was chosen to conserve the vault and to use it like ceiling to turn the great near space into a great crossing site, strolls and rest acclimated with a tropical garden, restaurants and stores, being transferred the railway terminal meters, being useful in equipping it with means necessary to be able to welcome in new line of high speed (BIRD) that from 1992 leave from Atocha. In addition to visit Atocha is simple like tourist in Madrid, since the station is placed right in the center of the Spanish capital, which allows to have all type of services close. At the time of acceding to a Web of booking hotels with the aim of realising a reserve in of the hundreds of lodgings of Madrid, it can be to have an account a zone like Atocha that besides the great station tells on the beginnings of the Stroll of the Prado and the Park of the good retirement very to few meters. Sometimes like visitors us details of great beauty can be escaped if we are not open to which any place can hide-and-seek and is that what often a simple place is considered to take a train can turn out one from the best places to give an pleasant stroll with history airs.

Human Genome

When Bill Clinton-entonces President USA-announced 10 years ago to the world, the decoding of the human genome!, said we are knowing the language with which God created man, in the same time James Thompson of the University of Wisconsin, and Baltimore’s James Gerhard announcing to the world the first cultivation of cells from human embryos mother!, which is one of the languages so the devil seeks to destroy man, then in 2001 thousands of embryos were created and used for research and junked then to waste in the midst of experiments of dubious technological reputation, it seemed chelates hedonistic Utopia of Herbert Marcuse who work the machines and man vacara in the pleasures of the spirit would come true, such was the excitement that the Washington Post titled in a biotechnology gold mines! Sunday Edition-referring to the Madre(Stem Cells) cells.Now Hussein Obama has decided to finance publicly funded experimentation with embryonic stem cells which are the cells MOTHER? They are cells that are derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst (the outer cell mass is undone) and who have the ability to develop into any of the 210 tissues of human beings the blastocyst? Yes!, a human being of 5 days of age that has between 50 and 150 cells, also are called stem cells (Stem: trunk).Also obtained partly from the amniotic fluid (hematopoietic) are cell adultas(a traves de la reprogramacion) Science recognizes 4 types of stem cells: DIFFERENTIATED cells that can develop into an Animal being (rational or irrational) example the Zygote, PLURIPOTENT capable of transforming into any tissue of the animal being, hitherto believed that they are not capable of giving source to be a live MULTIPOTENCIALES that can transform into a single type of fabric and the UNIPOTENCIALES which can transform into a cell type nothing more. which is the essence of the problem? the root of this debate lies in that experiment with cells embryonic stem necessarily have to destroy a human embryo and then ask ourselves which is the identity and value anthropological of the human being in this initial phase of its existence?, is justified to achieve a well Mayor(descubrir nuevas terapias) do need to destroy a tiny human being?, perhaps we are resurrecting Nicolas Maquiavelo posed in his book the little Prince by a similar to the of Hussein Obama good thesis emerges from the evil or theEnd justifies the means, just in case we do not learn from history, when at the end of century XIX human beings were bought, sold and bred like animals, we don’t remember perhaps humiliating Nazi experiments in Dachau and Auschwitz, the harassment of African Americans in Alabama (Tuskegee) that were experimental subjects in studies of the effects of syphilis, the effects of these experimentsthat Obama has decided to finance, tomorrow more later humanity will recognize them as abhor them.OTHER one with stem cells without destroying the EMBRIONCesar Nombela, (January 2009), says that there are more 2300 studies that demonstrate the existence of cells of the own body which can serve as stem cells for example the Japanese scientist Shinya Yamanaka has demonstrated that it is possible to reprogram somatic cells into pluripotent cells, scientists de Barcelona obtained them from hair, in Germany at the University of Tubingen have managed to derive cells mother Pluripotentes from testicle cellsGrease and so many examples but they demonstrate that you don’t need to destroy embryos to obtain cells MadreCONCLUSIONESNo must mystify progress, doing so is a confusion, a philosophical error, nor it should be making sacred time of progress, or deifying human reason or science, the Utopia of Marcuse is the same thing that made progress mythRemember that progress is to convert late in the Middle but is unable to create purposes, we appreciate the facts in their fair dimension, Tomas Moro said that behind Finisterre(Fin de la Tierra) hid one Earth happy, abundant and free, let’s not compare and conclude that behind these experiments, facts with bloody hands, lies a brave new world at times behind the curtain hides someone worse. .

Garden Site

The appearance of your garden each represents a different way. But all the gardens in common – a place where you can relax from the hustle and bustle, surrounded by wildlife. Every summer resident seeks to acquire a beautiful summer gazebo. As to choose the most appropriate model for such facilities to the site? How to translate ideas into reality? How to make this element of the garden plot is not only functional but also aesthetically appealing? First you need to define the purpose of construction: why put up a conversation in the garden. To become an ideal place to relax, it should be possible to meet the needs of all households. The direct appointment of gazebos in the garden today – expand the functional space holiday home and remove the burden from the veranda, living room or kitchen. Therefore, it is important to provide a device roads and trails that will connect the house, gazebo and, if necessary, household premises. If you plan to install inside the gazebo table and bench, this must be taken into account already in the initial calculation of the size of the structure.

If you plan to place the gazebo next to the barbecue or grill, it is to consider when choosing a site for construction of pavilions to subsequently do not have to trim interfering branches or plants. Garden arbor can serve not only as a place of rest, but at the same time be a bright decorative spot in your garden. To do this you need to consider design design pergola, its location on the site, as well as its functionality. There are many factors that should also be taken into account: the microclimate site mobility of soil, light and shadow angles of incidence from the adjacent buildings, fences and tall trees at different times of day. The most important condition for choosing the site for construction of pavilions – a beautiful view from it.

PMI Entertainment

On the Course the modern entertainment involves ways and vehicles of communication and an ample gamma of directed services for sale them cultural products. It is used, still, one sophisticated infrastructure for the suppliment of the necessities generated for events or the proper points of sales. The offered course destines it the formation of professionals directed the management of the diverse segments of the entertainment. It is divided in six modules: Audiovisual, Editorial and Fonogrfico, Events, Tourism, Communications digital and Development of Projects, approaching the main sectors of the industry of the entertainment with an ample quarrel on concrete cases of success of companies or professionals of each sector. objective top To the ending of the course, the pupils will be apt to act in areas of companies directed to the entertainment, either in the activities of development of entertainment projects, as well as in the management of the production. white Public top Professionals whom they intend to develop and to manage projects directed to the entertainment sector. Not the superior academic formation is demanded (ingression by means of curricular analysis).

The course will approach best practical the relative ones to the management of projects of the market, on the basis of PMI (Project Management Institute), as well as also to the specific areas of performance of the professionals, offering at the same time, a brought up to date and convergent vision more of the diverse sectors of the entertainment. top Program 1. Lesson Inaugural 2. Introduction to the Management of Projects 3. Initiation and Planning of Management of Projects 4. Execution, Control and Finishing of Projects 5. Final project 6.

Sector Audiovisual 7. Financial mathematics 8. Beddings of Marketing 9. Sector Editorial and Fonogrfico 10. Negotiation and Administration of Conflicts 11. Sector of Fashion 12. Leadership and Work in Team 13. Cultural sector of Dramatical Arts and Centers 14. Strategy of Companies 15. Sector of Events 16. Techniques of Presentation 17. Infraestrutura 18. 19 Legal aspects. New Medias horria Load total: 240 hours/lesson top Coordination Prof. Julia Levy top Date of Beginning FGV BOTAFOGO: Date of beginning: 22 of October of 2011 Schedule: Saturdays, of 9h to 16h50min